Masterpiece of Koji Pottery: The Dragon Head Incense Burner by Lin Chun-Heng “交趾陶之瑰寶:林俊亨 龍首陶香爐”

Lin Chun-Heng, a renowned Taiwanese ceramic artist, is the son of 交趾國寶大師林智信 (Koji National Treasure Master Lin Chih-Hsin). Lin Chun-Heng has participated in numerous prestigious exhibitions, including the Council for Cultural Affairs' South America 交趾陶巡迴展 (Koji Pottery Tour), the South America Exhibition, the Eternal Phoenix Joint Exhibition, and the National Museum of History 交趾陶聯展 (Koji Pottery Exhibition).

"交趾陶" (Koji Pottery) represents the pinnacle of Eastern 彩陶雕塑工藝 (painted clay sculpture), inheriting kiln techniques from the 嶺南地區 (Lingnan region), hence its name. It later flourished in 嘉義 (Chiayi), Taiwan, primarily used for temple architecture and decorative vessels. Known for its vibrant and fantastical hues, 交趾陶 (Koji Pottery) features a vast array of over a hundred glaze colors, embodying the essence of Eastern 瓷器釉藥 (porcelain glazes). Crafted from 軟瓷 (soft porcelain) and fired at lower temperatures, it allows for exquisite and intricate shapes.

This piece, 【龍首陶香爐】 (Dragon Head Incense Burner), exemplifies 交趾陶 (Koji Pottery) with its dynamic and captivating dragon head design. The lively 龍首 (dragon head) evokes a playful charm, reminiscent of the 舞獅戲獅 (lion dance), embodying a festive and auspicious spirit.


林俊亨,台灣著名陶藝大師,其父為交趾國寶大師林智信,曾參加文建會舉辦南美洲交趾陶巡迴展、南美展、永生鳳凰聯展、歷史博物館交趾陶聯展。 「交趾陶」為東方彩陶雕塑工藝之精萃,承襲窯技於嶺南地區,故被稱為交趾,後於嘉義創燒,多作為廟堂建築、用器裝飾,甚是鮮豔精奇、幻彩超絕,其用釉色可達上百種,為東方瓷器釉藥之集大成者,為軟瓷以燒製、火性較低,故有萬般形塑、造形精美入微之特性。本件【龍首陶香爐】以交趾陶造形龍首香爐,龍首生動可人,有逗趣之意味,似近舞獅戲獅造型風格,不失慶喜吉祥氛。