The Imperial Beauty of Celadon: The Sky Blue Glaze Vase with Handles “天青瓷之帝色:天青釉貫耳方瓶”

The Imperial Beauty of Celadon: The Sky Blue Glaze Vase with Handles

"天青" (Sky Blue) is considered the pinnacle of celadon glaze, an imperial hue of Eastern porcelain. Among its most esteemed forms is the celadon adorned with a network of "冰裂開片" (crackle glaze). Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty praised it with the words, "雨過天青雲破處,這般顏色做將來" (After the rain, the sky clears and reveals this color), perfectly capturing the ethereal blue-green shade of celadon, resembling the sky and jade-like in its texture.

The luster is soft, subtly translucent, with thick glaze and thin body, showcasing the resplendent beauty of craftsmanship from a prosperous era. This piece, 【天青釉 貫耳方瓶】 (Sky Blue Glaze Vase with Handles), is crafted with a sky blue glaze and features the distinctive "貫耳" (handles). The form of the "貫耳瓶" (handled vase) originates from the Han Dynasty game of "投壺" (pitch-pot), a noble pastime where arrows were thrown into a bronze vessel during banquets.

The neck of the vessel had handles, hence the name "貫耳壺" (handled pot). Initially made of bronze, from the Song Dynasty onwards, these vessels were crafted from porcelain, transforming into exquisite and delicate pieces, shedding their original function as a game prop. They became objects of admiration or used as flower vases, epitomizing the elegant and refined style of appreciation vessels.

「天青」是為青瓷之國色一絕,更有甚者乃東方瓷器之帝色,其中尤以佈滿冰裂開片的青瓷為最上;徽宗御贊:「雨過天青雲破處,這般顏色做將來」正是形容青瓷的縹青顏色,青如天、面如玉,正是文人摹寫青瓷之美。光澤順柔隱有光透、厚釉薄胎,盛世工藝之瑰麗明豔。本件【天青釉 貫耳方瓶】以天青釉造形燒製貫耳瓶,「貫耳瓶」造形是漢代投壺遊戲以為濫觴,貴族宴飲之時,作以遊戲投壺,即徒手執箭投擲入銅壺,因為壺的頸處有貫耳,因此被稱為貫耳壺(瓶)。初作為射壺的銅器,自宋代始以瓷器燒製,以成精美嬌貴瓷器,脫離原始功能(投壺遊戲),是為賞件或花器使用,做賞瓶之端莊秀美風範。